Feds crack down on I-9s: 4 things HR needs to know. August 3, 2009 by Sam Narisi ... Experts say certain industries, such as construction, manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, are being watched more closely than others. 2. What happens? ICE starts the process by sending the employer a notice of inspection (NOI) requesting certain documents. In addition to I-9 forms, ICE could request EINs, payroll records and correspondences with the Social Security Administration ...
Answers to tricky HR questions: Getting better info from references. May 30, 2008 by Sam bNarisi/b ... For example, I am in the bhotel/b industry and know at least 90% of HR Managers around the area where my bhotel/b is located. This makes my job a little easier. From my understanding former employee can not sue an employer if the information provided is honest and true. I've also seen cases where let's say Employer A contacts Employer B for reference. Let's say the employee was ...